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Schulze, M., Schäfer, J., Simmet, C., Jung, M. and Gabler, C. (2018). "Detection and characterization of Lactobacillus spp. in the porcine seminal plasma and their influence on boar semen quality." PLoS One 13(9): e0202699, Link



Mense, K., Heidekorn-Dettmer, J., Wirthgen, E., Brockelmann, Y., Bortfeldt, R., Peter, S., Jung, M., Höflich, C., Hoeflich, A. and Schmicke, M. (2018). "Increased concentrations of insulin-like growth factor binding protein (IGFBP)-2, IGFBP-3, and IGFBP-4 are associated with fetal mortality in pregnant cows." Frontiers in Endocrinology 9(310), Link



Schulze, M., Bortfeldt, R., Schäfer, J., Jung, M. and Fuchs-Kittowski, F. (2018). "Effect of vibration emissions during shipping of artificial insemination doses on boar semen quality." Animal Reproduction Science 192: 328-334, Link



Peter, S., Gärtner, M. A., Michel, G., Ibrahim, M., Klopfleisch, R., Lübke-Becker, A., Jung, M., Einspanier, R. and Gabler, C. (2018). "Influence of intrauterine administration of Lactobacillus buchneri on reproductive performance and pro-inflammatory endometrial mRNA expression of cows with subclinical endometritis." Scientific Reports 8(1): 5473, Link



Luther, A., Le Thi, X., Schafer, J., Schulze, M. and Waberski, D. (2018). "Irradiation of semen doses with LED-based red light in a photo chamber does not improve in vitro quality of thermically stressed boar spermatozoa." Reproduction in Domestic Animals 53(4): 1016-1019, Link



Schulze, M., Kuster, C., Schäfer, J., Jung, M. and Grossfeld, R. (2018). "Effect of production management on semen quality during long-term storage in different European boar studs." Animal Reproduction Science 190: 94-101, Link