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Schulze, M., Schröter, F., Jung, M. and Jakop, U. (2020). "Evaluation of a panel of spermatological methods for assessing reprotoxic compounds in multilayer semen plastic bags." Scientific Reports 10(1): 22258, Link



Scheinpflug, K., Schiller, S., Jäkel, H., Schulze, M., Waberski, D. and Mühldorfer, K. (2020). "Relevance of Leptospira in boar and for the development of alternative antimicrobial concepts in boar semen preservation." Porcine Health Management 6(1): 31, Link



Schulze, M., Beyer, S., Beyer, F., Bortfeldt, R., Riesenbeck, A., Leiding, C., Jung, M. and Kleve-Feld, M. (2020). "Relationship between pubertal testicular ultrasonographic evaluation and future reproductive performance potential in Piétrain boars." Theriogenology 158: 58-65, Link



Schulze, M., Jakop, U., Schröter, F., Herrmann, C., Leiding, C., Müller, K., Jung, M. and Czirják, G. (2020). "Antibacterial defense in bull and boar semen: A putative link to the microbiome and reproductive strategy?" Theriogenology 157: 335-340, Link



Hensel, B., Jakop, U., Scheinpflug, K., Mühldorfer, K., Schröter, F., Schäfer, J., Greber, K., Jung, M. and Schulze, M. (2020). "Low temperature preservation of porcine semen: influence of short antimicrobial lipopeptides on sperm quality and bacterial load." Scientific Reports 10(1): 13225, Link



Schulze, M., Nitsche-Melkus, E., Hensel, B., Jung, M. and Jakop, U. (2020). "Antibiotics and their alternatives in Artificial Breeding in livestock." Animal Reproduction Science 2020: 106284, Link



Nitsche-Melkus, E., Bortfeldt, R., Jung, M. and Schulze, M. (2020). "Impact of hygiene on bacterial contamination in extended boar semen: An eight-year retrospective study of 28 European AI centers." Theriogenology 146: 133-139, Link