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Schulze, M., Mohammadpour, F., Schröter, F., Jakop, U., Hönicke, H., Hasenfuss, T., Henne, H., Schön, J. and Müller, K. (2021). "Suitability of semen stress tests for predicting fertilizing capacity of boar ejaculates." Theriogenology 176: 73-81, Link



Bashawat, M., Hensel, B., Müller, K. and Schulze, M. (2021). "Cooled storage of semen from livestock animals (Part II): Camelids, goats, and sheep." Animal Reproduction Science 234: 106855, Link



Paschoal, A. F., Luther, A. M., Jakop, U., Schulze, M., Bortolozzo, F. P. and Waberski, D. (2021). "Factors influencing the response of spermatozoa to agitation stress: Implications for transport of extended boar semen." Theriogenology 175: 54-60, Link



Jakop, U., Hensel, B., Orquera, S., Rößner, A., Alter, T., Schröter, F., Grossfeld, R., Jung, M., Simmet, C. and Schulze, M. (2021). "Development of a new antimicrobial concept for boar semen preservation based on bacteriocins." Theriogenology 173: 163-172, Link



Selige, C., Quirino, M., Schröter, F., Aepli, M. and Schulze, M. (2021). "Effect of pasteurized egg yolk on the quality of cryopreserved boar semen." Reproduction in Domestic Animals 56(8): 1152-1155, Link



Hensel, B., Jakop, U., Scheinpflug, K., Schröter, F., Sandmann, M., Mühldorfer, K. and Schulze, M. (2021). "Low temperature preservation: Influence of putative bioactive microalgae and hop extracts on sperm quality and bacterial load in porcine semen." Sustainable Chemistry and Pharmacy 19: 100359, Link