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Wiebke, M., Hensel, B., Nitsche-Melkus, E., Jung, M. and Schulze, M. (2022). "Cooled storage of semen from livestock animals (part I): boar, bull, and stallion." Animal Reproduction Science 246: 106822, Link



Tamanini, M. S. C., Dos Santos, G., Leal, L. A., Wolf, L. M., Schulze, M., Christ, T. S., Bortolozzo, F. P., Ulguim, R. R., Wentz, I. and Mellagi, A. P. G. (2022). "Impact of agitation time of boar semen doses on sperm traits in short- and long-term extenders." Animal Reproduction Science 247: 107159, Link



Schulze, M. and Waberski, D. (2022). "Compensability of Enhanced Cytoplasmic Droplet Rates in Boar Semen: Insights of a Retrospective Field Study." Animals (Basel) 12(20): 2892, Link



Quirino, M., Jakop, U., Mellagi, A. P. G., Bortolozzo, F. P., Jung, M. and Schulze, M. (2022). "Live cells are not affected by dead sperm in liquid boar semen: new insights based on a thermo-resistance test." Reproduction in Domestic Animals 57(11): 1327-1335, Link



Quirino, M., Jakop, U., Mellagi, A. P. G., Bortolozzo, F. P., Jung, M. and Schulze, M. (2022). "A 5-color flow cytometry panel to assess plasma membrane integrity, acrosomal status, membrane lipid organization and mitochondrial activity of boar and stallion spermatozoa following liquid semen storage." Animal Reproduction Science 247: 107076, Link



Shan, S., Xu, F., Hirschfeld, M., Herrmann, C., Schulze, M., Sharifi, A. R., Hoelker, M. and Brenig, B. (2022). "α/β-Hydrolase D16B Truncation Results in Premature Sperm Capacitation in Cattle." International Journal of Molecular Sciences 23(14): 7777, Link



Grossfeld, R., Pable, J., Jakop, U., Simmet, C. and Schulze, M. (2022). "Comparison of NUCLEOCOUNTER, ANDROVISION with Leja chambers and the newly developed ANDROVISION eFlow for sperm concentration analysis in boars." Scientific Reports 12(1): 11943, Link



Hensel, B., Schröter, F., Großfeld, R., Simmet, C., Wauters, J., Jung, M. and Schulze, M. (2022). "Relations between the time of ovulation and fecal estrogen concentration in sows." Research in Veterinary Science 149: 90-93, Link



Hensel, B., Großfeld, R., Simmet, C., Jung, M. and Schulze, M. (2022). "Time of ovulation in sows is not related to intravaginal dissolved oxygen levels or temperature." Livestock Science 260: 104926, Link



Hafemeister, T., Schulze, P., Bortfeldt, R., Simmet, C., Jung, M., Fuchs-Kittowski, F. and Schulze, M. (2022). "Boar Semen Shipping for Artificial Insemination: Current Status and Analysis of Transport Conditions with a Major Focus on Vibration Emissions." Animals (Basel) 12(10): 1331, Link



Schulze, M., Hensel, B., Schröter, D., Leiding, C., Jung, M. and Lautner, M. (2022). "Reprotoxic effects of fenpropimorph on the fertilizing potential of AI boars: A case study." Reproduction in Domestic Animals 57: 337-340, Link