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Riedel, A., Pieper, L., Lautner, M., Leiding, C., Jung, M. and Schulze, M. (2023). "Comparison of deep-litter bedding materials and analysis of semen traits in Piétrain boars: A randomized controlled field study." Animal Reproduction Science 259: 107379, Link



Schulze, M., Jung, M. and Hensel, B. (2023). "Science-based quality control in boar semen production." Molecular Reproduction and Development 90(7): 612-620, Link



Dierberger, H., Pieper, L., Jung, M. and Schulze, M. (2023). "Rotation of liquid-preserved artificial insemination doses on roller benches affects sperm quality during storage in stallions." Reproduction in Domestic Animals 58: 1413-1419, Link



Henneberg, S., Pieper, L., Selige, C., Jung, M. and Schulze, M. (2023). "Analysis of artificial insemination center management factors that contribute to sperm parameters and boar longevity with a major focus on PGF2α treatment." Journal of Animal Science 101: skad251, Link



Dierberger, H., Pieper, L., Jung, M. and Schulze, M. (2023). "Assessment of the stallion sperm acrosome in two different extenders: Spermac stain in comparison to PNA/PSA/PI triple-staining." Reproduction in Domestic Animals 58(9): 1330-1333, Link



Quirino, M., Pereira, V. N., Tamanini, M. d. S. C., Ulguim, R. d. R., Schulze, M., Mellagi, A. P. G. and Bortolozzo, F. P. (2023). "Sperm concentration of boar semen doses and sperm quality: Novel perspectives based on the extender type and sperm resilience." Animal Reproduction Science 255: 107293, Link



Pieper, L., Meschede, T., Jung, M., Janowitz, U. and Schulze, M. (2023). "Influence of Equilibration Time and Bull-Specific Extender for Cryopreservation on Semen Quality and Fertility in German Holstein Friesian Bulls: A Controlled Field Trial." Animals (Basel) 13(14), Link



Koenneker, K., Schulze, M., Pieper, L., Jung, M., Schmicke, M. and Beyer, F. (2023). "Comparative Assessment of the Stress Response of Cattle to Common Dairy Management Practices." Animals 13(13): 2115, Link



Hensel, B., Pieper, L., Jung, M. and Schulze, M. (2023). "Influence of age, breed, and season on the quality of boar semen stored at low-temperature." Theriogenology 208: 102-108, Link



Quirino, M., da Rosa, G. T., Spohr Christ, T., Valadares, W. R., da Rosa Ulguim, R., Bernardi, M. L., Schulze, M., Mellagi, A. P. G. and Bortolozzo, F. P. (2023). "Estimation of sperm concentration limits to produce intrauterine insemination doses in swine." Reproduction in Domestic Animals 58(6): 785-792, Link



Hafemeister, T., Schulze, P., Simmet, C., Jung, M., Fuchs-Kittowski, F. and Schulze, M. (2023). "Intensity and Duration of Vibration Emissions during Shipping as Interacting Factors on the Quality of Boar Semen Extended in Beltsville Thawing Solution." Animals (Basel) 13(5), Link



Wiebke, M., Pieper, L., Gürler, H., Janowitz, U., Jung, M. and Schulze, M. (2023). "Effect of using liquid semen on fertility in German Holstein Friesian dairy cattle: A randomized controlled clinical trial." Theriogenology 199: 50-56, Link



Hensel, B., Jakop, U., Schmicke, M., Schröter, F., Jung, M. and Schulze, M. (2023). "Dual use of breeding stallions is possible without affecting the sperm quality." Reproduction in Domestic Animals 58(6): 691-698, Link



Henneberg, S., Kleve-Feld, M., Schröter, F., Jung, M. and Schulze, M. (2023). "Lifetime and Removal Reasons for Pietrain Boars in European AI Centers: A retrospective Analysis." Journal of Animal Science 101: 1-8, Link



Jakop, U., Engel, K. M., Hürland, M., Müller, P., Osmers, J.-H., Jung, M. and Schulze, M. (2023). "Lipid alterations by oxidative stress increase detached acrosomes after cryopreservation of semen in Holstein bulls." Theriogenology 197: 37-45, Link



Hürland, M., Kuhlgatz, D. A., Kuhlgatz, C., Osmers, J. H., Jung, M. and Schulze, M. (2023). "The use of machine learning methods to predict sperm quality in Holstein bulls." Theriogenology 197: 16-25, Link



Jakop, U., Hensel, B., Czirják, G., Quirino, M., Schröter, F., Jung, M. and Schulze, M. (2023). "Bacterial killing activity and lysozymes - a stable defense mechanism in stallion seminal plasma?" Reproduction in Domestic Animals 58(1): 73-80, Link